Monthly Archives: August 2014

Am I Reacting to Mold? What Are the Symptoms?

Mold in an Office Building is No Problem for Us

Mold in an Office Building is No Problem for Us

People are often initially unaware of a mold infestation in their building because it’s not always immediately visible. The first suggestion of a possible problem may come from physical symptoms that develop after exposure to the mold spores. Learning to recognize the more common symptoms can help alert you to the necessity for mold treatment.

Mold is an important part of the ecosystem and you’re likely to be exposed to it on a daily basis without any negative effects. Problems arise when mold gets a foothold indoors, where limited ventilation can’t prevent a concentrated build-up. As a result, you and others in the home or building end up inhaling significant quantities of mold spores.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to mold causes primarily upper-respiratory ailments such as wheezing, nasal stuffiness and itchy, watery eyes. Intensity of the symptoms can vary based on an individual’s particular allergies or sensitivities. However, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) has found sufficient evidence to demonstrate that mold can cause upper-respiratory ailments in otherwise healthy people.

Another serious matter concerns the effects of mold exposure on children. The IOM data showed that healthy children are also susceptible to the upper-respiratory symptoms. In addition, studies have found evidence of a link between early exposure to mold and the development of asthma.

Traditional remediation methods can actually aggravate mold-related health problems by dispersing mold spores into the environment. Our innovative MoldExterm mold treatment concentrates on killing the fungus and preventing its return. Visit our website to schedule a free mold inspection and evaluation of your property.