Monthly Archives: February 2016

Is Your House Sick? Find Out Before You Get Sick Too!

Natural disasters like the hurricanes and floods that have plagued the U.S. in recent years have left hundreds of thousands with homes that are uninhabitable and sometimes unfixable due to mold and fungus infestation. But you don’t have to suffer water damage of this magnitude for mold issues to develop.

Mold can grow anywhere moisture is present. Though you may never see or otherwise become aware of the presence of mold, it can nonetheless have a serious effect on your health.

An invisible menace
Outdoors, mold and fungus play an important role in the decomposition of organic matter. Indoors however, mold that has grown and reproduced behind walls, ceilings, floors, insulation, under carpets, and even in furniture and around appliances in overly moist environments can release invisible spores into the air, worsening the problem and affecting your health.

A formidable adversary
Mold spores can survive extreme variations in temperature and humidity, remaining dormant to survive dryness and cold until moisture and oxygen provide the fuel they need to grow and spread. Even the driest buildings house mold spores. In homes with indoor moisture problems, thousands of spores may contaminate each cubic foot of air.

Be wary of symptoms
Mold-related illness resemble allergies and present with:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny nose
  • Chronic sinusitis
  • Red, itchy eyes
  • Throat irritation
  • Cough
  • Asthma
  • Skin rash

The best offense…
Is a good defense. Though some molds found in homes can produce mycotoxins, most do not. In either case, however, your health may fall victim. Worried your home may be making you sick? Find out now. Identify molds and prevent their spread. Schedule your free mold and fungus inspection with Stern Mold today.