Mold 101: What Are Toxic Black Mold Spores?

The ideal way to think of toxic black mold spores is to think of mushroom spores. Just like mushroom spores, black mold spores are released into the air as the fruiting body grows and dries out.

If kept constantly wet, black mold will remain locked up within the colony. However, if allowed to dry or if disturbed by rubbing it or through ineffectual cleaning, the toxic spores will take to the air and attempt to colonize other moist areas.

Black Mold Mycotoxins

The allergenic aspect is in the mycotoxins that they can carry. That’s why mold treatment becomes so important. Granted, not every type of black mold is mycotoxic, and there are many factors, like where they grow and the level of humidity, among other things, that determine whether the black mold will be an allergen or whether it will be benign.

The problem is that there is no way to tell whether the black mold you see carries mycotoxins. Unfortunately, the only way to tell if you have been exposed to toxic black mold, is if you begin to experience symptoms. Some of the most common ones are an allergic reaction, vision and other eye problems, dizziness, and anxiety.

Your Best Course of Action

The best course of action, if you have noticed a black mold infestation, is to not take any chances and rely on the professionals at Stern Mold for mold treatment. We are part of the Stern Environmental Group, and will answer all of your questions or schedule a free mold inspection for your residence. We have been serving the New Jersey, New York City, and Long Island area since 1995.