Monthly Archives: December 2016

How to Get Mold Out of Your Kids’ Stuffed Animals

Mold Isn't Just In Old Buildings, Find Out if You're Safe Before It's Too Late.

Kill Mold Spores

While mold can be bad for anyone’s health, it’s particularly dangerous for young children. Stuffed toys made with organic materials such as cotton and wool can form a breeding ground for mold, especially if your child chews on them.

Don’t take chances with your child’s health. Use these mold tips to sanitize any stuffed toys that may be harboring fungal growth.

Removing Mold from Stuffed Animals

1. Wash the stuffed animal in the machine or by hand, using the hottest water possible along with a detergent containing color-safe bleach. The combination of heat and bleach helps to kill mold spores.

2. Vinegar is another substance that kills mold spores and also removes the musty odor. Try:

• Adding one-half to one cup of vinegar to the wash cycle.

• If you prefer, pour one cup of vinegar directly into the wash water before adding the stuffed animal. The water will dilute the vinegar, allowing it to lighten the fabric evenly instead of leaving bleached areas.

3. Moisture is the key ingredient for mold growth, so wring out the stuffed animal thoroughly and use a towel to blot.

4. Hang the stuffed animal outdoors in the sunlight, which will serve to destroy any remaining mold. If there are still signs of mold after a full day in the sun, spray the animal with a mix of one part water to one part vinegar and hang it out for a second day.

Stern Mold: Serving NYC and Northern NJ

We have been providing effective mold removal service for more than 20 years. Visit our website for more helpful mold tips and schedule a free mold inspection.