Mold and Your Health Connection: Chronic Lyme Disease

Does Your Sickness Keep Coming Back? Consider Mold as a Cause.

Does Your Sickness Keep Coming Back? Consider Mold as a Cause.

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that exhibits symptoms including fever, headaches and rash. The disease is transmitted via bites from infected ticks, but doctors have found a connection between indoor mold and chronic Lyme disease.

Mold: More than Just an Allergen

Dr. Ritchie C. Shoemaker’s pioneering 2005 book Mold Warriors was instrumental in shedding light on the effect mold can have on health and wellness. Mold produces chemicals called mycotoxins that, when ingested by humans, can cause a wide range of symptoms, many of which overlap with symptoms of Lyme disease.

Before Dr. Shoemaker’s book was released, the medical community considered mold to be primarily a trigger for allergic reactions. According to Dr. Shoemaker, the toxic elements in mold promote excessive production of inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to a number of diseases and illnesses from fibromyalgia to cancer.

The Link Between Mold-Related Illness and Lyme Disease

The immune system also reacts to the bacterial agent in Lyme disease with overproduction of inflammatory cytokines. Dr. Wayne Anderson, whose practice focuses on chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, found that this similarity can make patients with Lyme more susceptible to mold-related illnesses and vice-versa.

Lyme disease can become chronic when treatment methods are ineffective. Based on the work of Dr. Shoemaker and Dr. Anderson, many physicians are now shifting their focus of Lyme disease treatment to encompass exposure to mold as an aggravating factor.

Eliminate Toxin Exposure with NYC Mold Treatment

Traditional mold remediation can actually intensify the problem by redistributing spores to other areas. Contact Stern Mold for information about our unique two-step NYC mold treatment program that removes infestations and prevents future reoccurrences.