American Industrial Hygiene Association Weighs in on the Facts About Mold

Mold Needs to Be Taken Seriously
Once a conversation about mold damage begins, opinions and emotions get heated. Employees get angry with the boss, apartment dwellers demand action from the landlord, and everybody fears negative health outcomes and expensive property damage.
Making matters worse, it’s often hard to find trustworthy sources of information that are relevant to your situation. There are countless varieties of mold and everybody responds to mold exposure in a unique way.
The American Industrial Hygiene Association publishes one of the industry’s most respected books on mold inspection and removal. After compiling a large panel of experts, the AIHA cataloged the facts and dispelled many myths about mold.
The most important takeaways from the AIHA mold report include:
• Working or living around mold increases the risk of lung diseases
• Increased risk groups include babies, the elderly, pregnant women, and those with asthma or immune disorders
• Toxic mold can be any color; there are multiple species of black mold with varying levels of toxicity
• Mold is everywhere, but large quantities and damaged property are the real problems
• Removing moisture is the #1 key for NY mold removal
How Dangerous Is Indoor Mold?
As a NY mold removal service, we hear all sides of the issue and help property managers, residents, and workers find solutions for remediation that are affordable and safe.
When mold has been found, stay calm but remember that mold exposure brings health concerns even in otherwise healthy adults.
Don’t panic — take action by getting a free mold inspection from Stern Mold. Our proprietary NY mold removal service is less expensive than standard mold remediation, and we work quickly with minimal downtime for your business or home.