Monthly Archives: December 2017

World Health Organization Provides Guidelines on Interior Mold Problems

It's Time to Get Stern with Your Mold!

It’s Time to Get Stern with Your Mold!

Whether you’re a homeowner, or you’re looking to buy a home, you already know that mold is a big problem. As soon as it starts, it can spread, and quickly become out of control. This can lead to serious health issues for you and your entire family. The World Health Organization (WHO) has provided guidelines that should be followed regarding interior mold. If you’re in need of NYC mold removal, we’re here to help.

Where Does Mold Come From?

Mold can grow anywhere there’s moisture. This is why you often find it in the bathroom or in your basement. It’s caused by fungi and bacteria, and dust and dirt in the air and on surfaces is more than enough to feed it. Sometimes even the most cautious homeowners can’t help but have a mold problem. It can be prevented, but once it’s there, it’s important to treat it quickly.

The Biggest Problem With Mold

Mold is unsightly, but the problem stretches far beyond the way it looks. According to the WHO, there is substantial evidence to support the fact that mold leads to serious illnesses. It can compromise the entire immune system, causing asthma or other breathing conditions. Those that are already compromised may only be made worse in the presence of mold. Allergies are exaggerated and instances of pneumonia are very common in these environments.

Preventing and Treating a Mold Problem

Every step should be taken to prevent mold from starting. This is important for business owners, homeowners and landlords. If a problem does begin, talk to a NYC mold removal expert. Here at Stern Mold, we’re here to help! Contact us today.

70% of Employees Complain About Poor Air Quality in Their Office Why?

Are the Effects of Mold Affecting Your Employees?

Are the Effects of Mold Affecting Your Employees?

Is your job making you sick? If it is, you’re not alone. A survey by YouGov finds that about 70 percent of office workers across Britain believe their place of work has indoor air pollution that is having an adverse effect on their productivity.

Approximately one third of office workers feel poor indoor air quality at work is making them sick. Numbers are similar in North America. Sixty percent of workers say they begin their workday by opening a window to get fresh air. However, opening a window isn’t solving the problem.

Employer responsibilities

According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), employers must adhere to the General Duty Clause of the OSHAct. It requires employers provide a safe place to work free of any known hazards that may cause serious illness, injury, or death.

The OSHAct establishes health standards that all employers must follow. If there is a problem with the air quality of an office, the employer should make employees aware of the issue and take corrective action. Local and state regulations may also apply.

NJ mold removal in buildings

Moisture problems can cause “sick building syndrome” in offices. The symptoms may include headache, itchy skin, dry eyes, nose, and throat, and fatigue. Mold spores are too small for people to see but they can trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions.

Mold issues can be easily remedied with the MoldExterm method of treatment. It takes significantly less time than traditional NJ mold removal in buildings. Most treatments can be completed in one day and come with up to a five-year guarantee. Contact Stern Mold today for a free consultation and mold inspection.

The True Costs of Interior Mold Infestations

The Cost of Mold to Your Health

The Cost of Mold to Your Health

Mold is a problem that can easily go undetected for a long time. Mold spores are too small to be seen with the human eye and mold colonies often grow under sinks, in basements, behind walls, and in crawl spaces. The symptoms of mold-related illnesses can easily be misdiagnosed and mistaken for something else. This is how a seemingly minor moisture problem can lead to extensive medical costs due to mold sickness.

Report on the costs of mold-related illnesses

A 2016 study published in the Journal of Environmental and Public Health on the economic burden of health issues from indoor dampness and mold exposure shows the true costs of mold are much more than many people realize.

The researcher estimates that allergic rhinitis costs Americans $3.7 billion every year. Annual costs of asthma morbidity are estimated at $15.1 billion and asthma mortality at $1.7 billion. The report goes on to say that Americans spend $1.9 billion on acute bronchitis.

Mold can lead to health problems for otherwise healthy adults and children, and it can cause serious health problems for people with compromised immune systems.

Economical NYC mold removal

Mold is a potentially serious problem that can be easily remedied. The MoldExterm method is faster, cleaner, more effective, and less costly than traditional NYC mold removal methods. You can take steps to protect your family by contacting Stern for a free mold inspection. If you already have a written mold remediation quote from a qualified mold service company, we will beat their price by 20% and provide you with up to a 5-year warranty. Most projects can be completed in one day.

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