Category Archives: Mold & Your Health

When The Place That’s Supposed To Make You Better Makes You Sicker – What To Know About Hospital Mold Infestations

When The Place That's Supposed To Make You Better Makes You Sicker - What To Know About Hospital Mold Infestations

When The Place That’s Supposed To Make You Better Makes You Sicker – What To Know About Hospital Mold Infestations

Where do you turn when the healthcare system causes you to become even sicker? A recent story out of Seattle illustrates why NYC mold removal is so important for medical facilities.

History of Mold-Related Illnesses

In November 2019, Seattle Children’s Hospital temporarily closed most of its operating rooms to install a new rooftop air handler and in-room HEPA filters. Sadly, this move came only after 14 patients developed aspergillosis over an 18-year period. Six cases resulted in fatalities.

Aspergillus is a common species of mold and one of the forms referred to as “toxic.” While most people experience no problems inhaling Aspergillus spores, those with preexisting lung conditions or compromised immune systems are at risk for developing infections known as aspergillosis.

One Patient’s Experience

Complaints from hospital employees about poor maintenance of the ventilation system came to light in a 2005 lawsuit involving a 12-year-old patient who became ill after successful brain surgery. Testing revealed that her spinal column was filled with Aspergillus mold, which necessitated a five-year course of antifungal medication.

Despite treatment and a long-term stay in rehabilitation, the patient was left with permanent disability. Testimony in the lawsuit included sworn statements from members of the hospital’s building and engineering department describing the mold- and debris-filled condition of the ventilation system.

Protect Your Health with Effective NYC Mold Removal

Mold has no respect for hospitals, restaurants or family homes. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free inspection by our cheerful and experienced NYC mold removal technicians.

Can You Die from Mold Exposure?

Health Concerns of People Exposed to Mold

Health Concerns of People Exposed to Mold

The good news is that you won’t die if you’re exposed to mold – even if it’s black mold. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t contact Manhattan mold removal specialists to have it taken care of. Mold in your home can still make you and your family sick, so it’s definitely something you’ll want to handle as soon as possible. Let’s talk about what you need to know.

The Effects of Mold on People’s Health

There are some people who don’t react to the presence of mold at all. But there are others who are very sensitive to it. These individuals may develop a number of symptoms including:

* Itchy, watery eyes

* Itchy skin or rashes

* Breathing problems, such as wheezing

* A stuffy nose

* Sneezing and coughing

Some people develop allergies to mold, and there are others who may develop asthma as a result of it. For someone who already has breathing problems, mold can make them a lot worse.

Who is at Risk for Mold-Related Health Problems?

People with serious health problems could be at risk for severe reactions to mold. That includes people who are allergic to it and those with lung diseases or immune system issues. But the presence of mold can also trigger any of the above, so it’s important to take care of it quickly.

Contact Your Manhattan Mold Removal Experts

When it comes to Manhattan mold removal, Stern Mold is here to help. We offer free inspections, so reach out to us today to get yours. We’ll come up with a plan to fix your mold problem right away.

Can You Test Mold Exposure with a Blood Test?

Does Mold Exposure Show Up on Blood Tests?

Does Mold Exposure Show Up on Blood Tests?

Black mold could be lurking in your home without you even being aware that it’s there. Maybe you’re showing some of the signs of black mold exposure, but you want to know for sure. There are several ways you can find out, including taking a blood test. Your Manhattan mold removal specialists want to make sure you take good care of your health, so if you’re having a reaction to black mold, you can find out for certain.

Taking a Blood Test for Mold Exposure 

This test is minimally invasive but very informative. Your doctor will need to take a sample of your blood and send it to a lab for testing. They will check to see how the antibodies in your system react to various mold species, black mold included. When they test your blood, they will also look for toxins that indicate mold poisoning.

Getting a Skin Prick Test

Skin prick tests are another way for your doctor to tell if you’re allergic to certain types of mold. They take various types and apply them to the skin using small needles. If you’re allergic to that type of mold, your skin will react by forming a rash or other reaction.

Talk With Your Manhattan Mold Removal Experts

Getting exposed to black mold can lead to all kinds of health issues, including asthma, hair loss, confusion, memory loss, and more. Contact us, your Manhattan mold removal professionals, for assistance with your mold problem. We offer free inspections!

Five Types of Mold Found in Homes

Know the Dangers of Having Mold in Your Bedroom

Know the Dangers of Having Mold in Your Bedroom

Mold is a blanket term for a type of fungus that encompasses thousands of different species. Here’s a look at five common mold types found in homes, which will require NYC mold removal.

1. Stachybotrys

When people talk about toxic mold, they’re actually referring to stachybotrys. While it’s also known as black mold, it can appear green as well. Stachybotrys gets its nickname from mycotoxins it produces that are especially dangerous to children.

2. Aspergillus

Aspergillus comes in more than 185 different species, so it appears in a wide range of colors. In addition to triggering allergic reactions, aspergillus can cause serious lung infections.

3. Alternaria

Alternaria is the #1 type of allergic mold throughout the world. This species comes in dark brown or green with a velvet-like appearance.

4. Cladosporium

Mold is generally associated with warm, damp areas, but cladosporium grows equally well in the cold. Resembling suede with its olive-green or dark brown coloring, cladosporium is often found in upholstery, carpets and other indoor fabrics.

5. Trichoderma

Trichoderma is usually white with green patches that give it a “wooly” appearance. Some species of trichoderma produce mycotoxins similar to stachybotrys. Trichoderma also contains an enzyme that destroys wood and other building materials, which can lead to structural damage.

Effective NYC Mold Removal for All Types

Whatever type of mold affects your home, it requires professional NYC mold removal. Our MoldExterm program effectively removes mold and prevents it from returning. Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free inspection by our knowledgeable technicians.

Can Mold Spores Cause Allergies and Asthma?

Can Mold Spores Cause Allergies and Asthma?

Can Mold Spores Cause Allergies and Asthma?

Even if you don’t normally suffer from allergies, extended exposure to mold spores can lead to a number of physical symptoms ranging from unpleasant to serious. Our Manhattan mold removal experts offer helpful information on the various health risks linked to mold spores.

Do You Have Mold Allergies?

Indoor mold and dampness are generally associated with upper respiratory ailments. When mold spores are inhaled, they trigger a response from the immune system including sneezing, coughing, congested sinuses and itchy, watery eyes. People with certain sensitivities may develop skin irritation if they come into contact with mold.

What Are Other Mold-Related Illnesses?

Some individuals are particularly vulnerable to mold-related illnesses:

* People with pre-existing respiratory conditions such as asthma or obstructive lung disease

* People with weakened immune systems

These individuals are at risk for more serious diseases, including mold-related infections such as aspergillosis or hypersensitivity pneumonitis, which is inflammation of the lungs that can cause scarring.

Children can be greatly affected by exposure to mold. In a 2004 study, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) found evidence suggesting a link between indoor mold and respiratory illness in otherwise healthy children. Other research suggests a possible link between early exposure to mold and development of asthma in some children, especially if they’re genetically prone to the disease.

Protect Your Health with Manhattan Mold Removal by Stern Mold

If you suspect the presence of mold, don’t wait until you or your family develop symptoms. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection by our technicians.



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