Tag Archives: building closure mold

Leaks in Library and Mold Found in Basement Cause Building Closure

Leaks in Library and Mold Found in Basement Cause Building Closure

Leaks in Library and Mold Found in Basement Cause Building Closure

Staying quiet at the library can be difficult when there’s a major leak problem and mold is growing throughout the building. That’s the case at two public libraries in Jackson, Mississippi, which are facing temporary closures.

The leaks had gotten so bad that staff members relied on dozens of buckets to collect dripping water throughout the library.

In addition to the daily hassle of emptying buckets, staff and visitors had to worry about health risks due to mold. Although the mold was primarily found in the basement, it had spread to the air ducts where it affected everyone in the building.

Children and the elderly are especially prone to mold-related respiratory problems, making a public library an unfortunate place to have an infestation.

Jackson officials tried to remedy the mold problem two years prior. They used standard mold remediation that merely kills the active mold but does not prevent a future outbreak.

If they had used MoldExterm, the two-part mold removal process we use at Stern Mold, the basement’s surfaces could have been sealed off to stop mold spores from reactivating ever again.

Prevent Disaster with NJ Mold Removal

Mold needs very little to grow. A water source such as a roof leak is all mold spores need to activate. That’s why it’s important to look for signs of mold and get a free inspection to be safe. It’s also why our NJ mold removal service finishes the job with a patented polymer seal to stop mold in its tracks, and without the need for ripping out building materials.

For more info on Stern Mold NJ mold removal services, please call or contact us today.