Tag Archives: Mold and Buildings

Mold is Discovered After You Moved In – What to Know

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?

After Mold Treatment Is It Safe to Live in Your Home?

NYC mold removal is sometimes a necessary evil especially when it’s discovered after you’ve moved into your dream home. When this happens, there are a few things you can do.

What to Know About Mold After the Fact

First, check with the city where your home is located to find out if there are any laws on the books regarding a seller selling their property without disclosing a mold issue.

In California, for example, the state’s Civil Code was amended requiring sellers to disclose that the home did have toxic mold. This only works if the seller “has knowledge” of such an existence, which leaves the door open for “I didn’t know” responses when asked.

If you’re able to prove the seller had knowledge of toxic mold prior to selling the property, you have a good chance of having the court rule in your favor for compensation. If you can’t prove the homeowner knew about the mold, be prepared to take care of the problem yourself by hiring a reputable NYC mold removal specialist.

The hope is that one day a standard mold inspection is the norm for prospective homebuyers. This would remove the “I didn’t know” and leave sellers on the hook for mold remediation.

Until then, it falls to the new home buyer to do their homework, question the seller and ask to see any reports they have involving a mold inspection, and consider having the home inspected on your own dollar before signing on the dotted line.

For professional help from those who know how to treat a mold problem, contact SternMold for immediate help using our latest innovative treatments.

Mold in Real Estate Sales – Some Tips for Consideration

Mold Can Be Detrimental to Your Health.

Mold Can Be Detrimental to Your Health.

Anyone involved in real estate buying or selling can be affected by health-damaging mold. Seeping moisture or troublesome leaks that are discovered in residential (and commercial) buildings raise red flags for home buyers and sellers. How can Stern’s NYC mold removal team help you gain the upper hand? Check below to find out some tidbits that can ensure mold doesn’t negatively impact your goals.

Q-Tips for Mold

There are several important questions you can ask yourself or others when dealing with mold to help you prepare for mold complications. Here are a few of them:

– How much do I know about mold?

– What are the signs of mold growth?

– How does mold affect my/your health? Why does mold trigger buyer’s remorse?

– Should a buyer or seller pay for a mold inspection? Is it worth it?

– Is mold remediation within my selling (or buying) budget?

– What is causing mold to grow? Is it the climate or something else?

– What is the difference between common mold and black mold?

Our Trusted Stern NYC Mold Removal Team

Asking the right questions benefit all parties involved. If you’re seeking to purchase a home, look for tell-tale signs of mold. If you have any doubts about a home’s safety, seeking professional help is the only answer. It can spare you from health issues and costly expenditures in the future.

If you wish to sell your home or business and wonder if mold will affect your selling power/profit, wonder no longer! Our NYC mold removal team is ready to stop the mold before it becomes a real hazard. Don’t allow mold to contaminate your goals. Make the right inquiries–get positive results!

How Does Mold Travel In Your Home or Building Once It’s Established?

How Does Mold Travel In Your Home or Building Once It's Established?

How Does Mold Travel In Your Home or Building Once It’s Established?

Mold doesn’t just lurk in hidden spaces – it travels out in the open, so cancel its travel plans to preserve your health. When the ‘weather’ conditions are right, mold settles in and stays. How can you put a stop to mold’s path of destruction? Stern Mold is an NYC mold removal company that keeps mold from hitching a ride on your walls and floors. Our company helps you give mold a one-way ticket to elimination.

Have Mold Will Travel

Mold spores are always hanging around, seemingly waiting to attach to a moving object. Humid air, pet fur, ducts, clothing, and plants are all moving vessels for mold. Colonies of mold are quick to grow when they discover a moist spot to settle down and grow. Our NYC mold removal team knows how to find trouble areas and potential factors that are aiding and abetting mold spore transfers.

Warm air is a nesting ground for hitchhiking mold. Don’t let mold put a hitch in your plans. You can do something about it! Analyze your area for signs of mold growth. If you’ve been experiencing dizziness, wheezing, and other worrisome symptoms, it’s not just time to see a doctor! It may be time to visit your trusted mold remediation experts for the answers to any questions you may have.

A Stern Scolding

The mold infesting your property will turn in its traveling papers when it meets our entourage of NYC mold removal experts. We help you get the safe environment you need so you can do some fun traveling of your own without fear. Click here and see how Stern Mold can make all the difference!

Mold Can Destroy Building Materials Making Properties Uninhabitable

Mold Can Destroy Building Materials

Mold Can Destroy Building Materials

Do you worry that excessive mold is contaminating your health, your family members’ quality of life, even your property’s livability? Moisture permeating the air or leaks soaking into your building’s materials carries with it the threat of mold growth. What can you do to stop this from happening? Our NYC mold remediation crew can help you determine what to do next to prevent mold from damaging all you hold dear.

Putting Mold at the Stern

At Stern Mold, our NYC mold remediation experts help your property steer clear of the threat of immoderate mold growth. Below are some of the steps you can take to keep mold from destroying your personal property.

– Stop the moisture from penetrating your space. Utilize exhaust fans in areas that generate the most water vapor. Bathrooms, kitchens even laundry areas can produce mold-producing conditions.

– Test the amount of humidity in your home. Hygrometers determine the relative amount of humidity in the tested area. A rule of thumb is to keep your relative humidity below 60 percent.

– Study your surroundings. Look for moisture under sinks, note dark spots on walls, and feel for damp areas along the floor. Broken pipes, basement areas, and rooflines are susceptible to leaking. Check these areas periodically to keep on top of the mold!

– Sniff around. How does your building smell? Overpowering musty scents are a sign that mold growth is already occurring.

Get Property Protection

You can keep mold from becoming a serious threat to your property. Ensure your environment is a safe and healthy one. It starts with you! Contact our NYC mold remediation team and get some valuable information to guard your investment!