Tag Archives: Mold and Health Issues

Mold 101: Prolonged Mold Exposure May Cause Cognitive Issues

Mold May Be More Dangerous Than You Think.

Mold May Be More Dangerous Than You Think.

Much has been written and documented about exposure to mold spores triggering upper respiratory allergic reactions. Researchers are now discovering disturbing evidence pointing to a link between the body’s inflammatory response to mold and structural changes in the brain.

How Inflammation Affects the Brain

A semi-permeable membrane known as the blood-brain barrier protects the brain from neurotoxins while allowing passage of water, glucose and other molecules that are necessary for neural function. Inflammatory reactions can loosen the tight junctions binding the BBB cells, compromising their ability to control what moves in and out.

TGF beta-1 and and IL-1B are two of the specific compounds that produce this inflammatory response in the BBB. Scientists have also found that elevated levels of these substances are present in patients who have developed chronic inflammatory response syndrome after exposure to moldy interiors in water-damaged buildings.

Mold and Cognitive Functions

NeuroQuant is a sophisticated software program used to assess patients with traumatic brain injuries based off of a specifically-run MRI. When NeuroQuant was used to evaluate the brains of patients with mold illness, preliminary results indicated a “unique fingerprint” of changes in white matter volume along with structural gray matter damage.

Previously, there had been some doubt as to whether there is a connection between mold exposure and cognitive brain damage. As researchers verify and expand the study, it appears that we may shortly have a definitive answer to this question.

Stern Mold: The Leaders in Effective Manhattan Mold Removal

Our eco-friendly two-step MoldExterm treatment is a cost-effective and non-invasive solution for Manhattan mold removal. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection by our friendly and professionally-trained technicians.

Mold 101: the CDC Weighs in On Mold and Damp Buildings

the CDC Weighs in On Mold and Damp Buildings

the CDC Weighs in On Mold and Damp Buildings

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes the health risks associated with high indoor humidity, dampness and mold in offices, schools, and other nonindustrial buildings. You work hard to keep your business profitable, maintain a safe and comfortable environment for your employees and customers, and to keep customers coming back every time they need your products or services. A musky smell from leaking pipes or water incursion can’t be masked and it can ruin your business. People with sensitive immune systems and mold allergies feel the effects of mold spores quickly when they’re in a building with mold. Our Manhattan mold removal company can help you at a reasonable price and without tearing out walls.

The CDC defines dampness as any unwanted or excessive moisture inside your building. Having this dampness in your building will lead to mold growth that releases mold spores and breaks down building materials. Different types of mold grow in different moisture conditions. The CDC warns that mold inside buildings is associated with several respiratory problems including asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bronchitis, and respiratory infections. People sensitive to allergens and those with weakened immune systems are at higher risk of developing a more severe illness from their exposure to mold.

We can remedy your mold problem with our Manhattan mold removal service. Our MoldExterm method is faster and less costly than traditional remediation methods. It does not require tearing out walls and can be done with little or no interruption to your business schedule. Contact Stern Mold for a free professional inspection and consultation on the best way to maintain optimal air quality and prevent mold from coming back.

Mold and Your Health Connection: Chronic Lyme Disease

Does Your Sickness Keep Coming Back? Consider Mold as a Cause.

Does Your Sickness Keep Coming Back? Consider Mold as a Cause.

Lyme disease is a bacterial infection that exhibits symptoms including fever, headaches and rash. The disease is transmitted via bites from infected ticks, but doctors have found a connection between indoor mold and chronic Lyme disease.

Mold: More than Just an Allergen

Dr. Ritchie C. Shoemaker’s pioneering 2005 book Mold Warriors was instrumental in shedding light on the effect mold can have on health and wellness. Mold produces chemicals called mycotoxins that, when ingested by humans, can cause a wide range of symptoms, many of which overlap with symptoms of Lyme disease.

Before Dr. Shoemaker’s book was released, the medical community considered mold to be primarily a trigger for allergic reactions. According to Dr. Shoemaker, the toxic elements in mold promote excessive production of inflammatory cytokines, which can lead to a number of diseases and illnesses from fibromyalgia to cancer.

The Link Between Mold-Related Illness and Lyme Disease

The immune system also reacts to the bacterial agent in Lyme disease with overproduction of inflammatory cytokines. Dr. Wayne Anderson, whose practice focuses on chronic conditions such as Lyme disease, found that this similarity can make patients with Lyme more susceptible to mold-related illnesses and vice-versa.

Lyme disease can become chronic when treatment methods are ineffective. Based on the work of Dr. Shoemaker and Dr. Anderson, many physicians are now shifting their focus of Lyme disease treatment to encompass exposure to mold as an aggravating factor.

Eliminate Toxin Exposure with NYC Mold Treatment

Traditional mold remediation can actually intensify the problem by redistributing spores to other areas. Contact Stern Mold for information about our unique two-step NYC mold treatment program that removes infestations and prevents future reoccurrences.

Mold and Your Health Connection: Mold and the Serious Symptoms

Allergic Reactions? It Could Be Mold.

Mold is more than just an unsightly stain underneath sinks or on shower walls. A link has been established between exposure to mold and chronic health problems. Do you know what symptoms can be an indication of mold-related illness?

How Mold Affects Your Health

When mold is present inside a home or building, it releases microscopic spores that drift in the air where they are ingested by breathing. Once inside your system, they can irritate the sensitive linings of your throat and nasal passages, resulting in upper-respiratory allergic reactions.

The most common symptoms include coughing, sneezing, and itchy, watery eyes. Some people may also develop rashes where mold spores come in contact with skin. Individuals with pre-existing allergies are most susceptible, but even otherwise healthy people can become affected after prolonged exposure.

When Mold Exposure Has More Serious Consequences

People with upper-respiratory diseases such as asthma or those with compromised immune systems are particularly vulnerable to the effects of mold. Some varieties of mold produce mycotoxins that can cause lung infections and other more serious ailments.

The connection between mold and illness is not simply conjecture. According to the National Academy of Medicine (formerly known as the Institute of Medicine), there is sufficient evidence linking exposure to indoor mold with chronic upper-respiratory symptoms.

Protect Your Health with Complete NYC Mold Treatment

Good health is priceless. Our trained technicians are NYC mold treatment experts who will completely remove any trace of mold without destroying any building materials, usually in just one day. Contact us to learn more about our non-invasive MoldExterm system and schedule a free mold inspection.

Tips on Filing a Mold Complaint with Your Property Manager

Keep an Eye Out (and Nose Even) for Mold!

Keep an Eye Out (and Nose Even) for Mold!

When living in a rental unit, virtually any type of issue with the unit’s structure must be called to attention by way of your property manager. That also includes a mold infestation, which may or may not be directly related to personal property in your household.

Here are some tips on filing a mold complaint:

• Notification — Notify your property manager of mold. Orally notifying them is good, but always take it one step further by writing a letter and making a duplicate, then putting it in the property managers mailbox. Make sure it’s dated, too.

• Pictures — Take pictures of the mold problem; you can even use your cell phone if it has a camera. Make sure you get several angles, and offload the pictures to a computer. If needed for evidence, you’ll know where to find them and they won’t be inadvertently deleted from your phone.

• File a Written Complaint — If the property manager or owner of the building won’t act quickly for mold treatment, you can file a written complaint with the housing department in your city, town or jurisdiction. Check online or go down to City Hall and ask questions about filing a legal complaint.

In most situations your property manager will be willing to help cure any mold problem that you may find. It’s in their best interest to take care of the problem as quickly and effectively as possible, to prevent health issues or legal actions from affecting their bottom line.

If you have questions about mold treatment in your rental, please contact Stern Mold. We will work with you and your property manager to rid your home of mold.

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