Tag Archives: Mold

Watch Out – Foreclosed Homes Can Be a Haven for Mold

Purchasing a foreclosed home can often turn up a diamond in the rough. However, sometimes it ends up being just plain rough. Current estimates are that more than half of the foreclosed homes in some states have mold issues.

Real estate and mold is an unpleasant mix, as many sellers and buyers are discovering. Realtor Rebecca Terakedis requires prospective buyers to sign a disclosure form releasing her from liability before she will show a home infested with mold.

In most homes, a natural process known as the stack effect acts to reduce the conditions that promote development of mold. As seasons change and household members go in and out, ventilation sucks moisture upwards and out through the roof, aided by heating and air conditioning systems.

Foreclosed homes sit empty, resulting in moisture accumulating inside. In addition, electricity is shut off so sump pumps and dehumidifiers don’t have a chance to do their part. Bob Bennett operates a company in northeastern Ohio that specializing in cleaning water-damaged buildings. He says a quarter of his jobs involve foreclosed homes that have fallen victim to mold.

Ms. Terakedis relates a story about showing a foreclosed home in the middle of the winter. Outdoor temperatures were so cold that icicles had formed on the garage windows, but the interior of the house was a muggy 80 degrees because it had begun to self-compost.

Don’t assume that real estate and mold is a problem only with foreclosures. All it takes is one spore landing on a damp spot to begin mold growth. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection.

The Anatomy of Mold

Mold Anatomy

Mold Anatomy

If you happen to live in a New Jersey, you may find that your home is more at-risk for the detrimental effects of mold due to our periodically damp climate. Mold is often a quiet predator, lurking in dark, damp spaces and wreaking a silent havoc on your home’s structural integrity.

Some things to know about mold include:

Moisture is the Culprit

Moisture can facilitate the growth of mold in and around your home and business. The best description of mold is that it is a furry, dark fungus that thrives in dark, moist spaces. With so many nooks and crannies in the constructs of your home and building, there are numerous alluring places for mold to grow.

What to Do If You Suspect You Have Mold

When you suspect that your home or building has become a breeding ground for mold, contact professionals for mold treatment services. Don’t delay action; breathing in mold spores can cause respiratory issues and illness among those living and working in the building. Feel like your allergies are acting up? Be sure that it isn’t the repercussions of mold growth in your home.

What Can Happen?

In addition to the health complications that can be caused, the consequences of mold extend to your primary investment: your home or building. Mold can compromise the integrity of your building’s structure, which over time, can result in deterioration and rot.

If your property is in NJ, NYC, or Long Island, you are in luck. Stern Mold provides services to these areas for anyone who is concerned about mold. Contact our team at www.SternMold.com for more information and a free mold inspection.

The Devastating Effects of Mold: A Real-Life Story

The Effects Of Mold

The Effects Of Mold

Imagine finding your dream home only to have it fall victim to a seemingly innocent substance that occurs freely in nature. This was the unfortunate result for a Pacific Northwest couple whose residence of 24 years was destroyed by an infestation that could have been solved with mold treatment.

Craig and Shelly Johnson were newlyweds in 1990 when they purchased their home in Vancouver, WA, a suburb of Portland, OR. Six years later they completed major renovations, including finishing the basement and adding a bedroom and bathroom. They also had new insulation installed in the attic and redid the exterior with new siding and windows.

Several years later, the couple and their sons began suffering from health problems, beginning with respiratory ailments like bronchitis and pneumonia. Craig and Shelly continued to experience further declines in their conditions that seriously impaired their quality of life, including their ability to work. After failed attempts to determine the cause, a random comment from Shelly prompted Craig’s physician to suggest that their home be tested for toxins.

What they discovered was devastating. During that long-ago remodeling, the bathroom vents had never been installed and they were found laid on top of the attic insulation. In addition, the siding covered up the attic vents, creating the perfect breeding ground for mold. Moisture from years of showers resulted in an attic infested with various types of black and white mold.

Prompt mold treatment is essential to keep the fungus from gaining a foothold in your home or office. Our MoldExterm system eliminates the problem and adds protection to prevent it from reoccurring. Visit our website for more information.

What is the Issue with Mold Spores?

Mold Spores

Mold Spores

Most people are aware that mold is a part of nature that should remain outdoors. However, spores are the real basis of the problem. They’re the primary reason why an infestation can be so difficult to battle. What makes these seemingly harmless cells so dangerous?

You may remember from high school biology that spores are the means by which mold and fungus propagate. These microscopic organisms travel unfettered throughout the atmosphere, reproducing once they land in an area with the right conditions. This is one of the reasons you’ll often see mushrooms in many of the same places where you find mold.

When it comes to “the right conditions”, tops on the list is a damp place. Mold and fungus need water to grow. Since spores aren’t visible to the naked eye, there’s no way of preventing them from coming to rest in your shower or on a basement wall.

Spores are also the cause of the health threat presented by infestations. Mold itself is not particularly harmful. Allergic reactions and other issues arise when mold spores are inhaled, causing irritation to linings in the upper respiratory system. Some people are highly sensitive to these effects, while others may develop an allergy after prolonged exposure. Studies have also demonstrated a link between exposure to mold spores and development of asthma in children.

Traditional mold remediation can actually aggravate the problem by causing spores to disperse more widely. With the MoldExterm system, affected surfaces are encapsulated and treated with a non-micron mist for safe, effective removal. Visit our website to schedule a free mold inspection from our trained technicians.

The Real Problem with Mold

Mold Where It Should Be

Mold Where It Should Be

Mold suffers from a bad reputation, but it actually serves a valuable purpose outdoors. It acts as Mother Nature’s recycler, breaking down organic materials  like dead trees. The problem with mold arises when stray spores drift indoors and latch onto a damp surface.

You actually encounter mold nearly every day, although you’re not aware of it due to the microscopic size of the spores. The reason they become a problem indoors is because there’s not enough ventilation to diffuse the spores as there is outside.

Once mold becomes established indoors, you’re at risk for a wide variety of health problems. Most of them are allergic reactions affecting the upper-respiratory system, such as sneezing and itchy, watery eyes. Inhaling mold can cause irritation in the nose, throat and lungs even in non-allergic individuals. Coming in contact with a mold infestation can also cause a skin rash.

Mold can be harmful to the health of your home or building as well. It can begin decomposing surfaces just as it does with outside materials. For instance, a leak in a wooden window can cause the frame to rot. Negative effects include increased energy costs and expensive window replacements.

If you suspect you have a mold problem, you may be picturing the drastic process of traditional remediation which involves physically removing any affected surfaces. Our innovative MoldExterm system safely and effectively removes mold and adds a polymer sealer to prevent future infestations. The process is usually completed with a day, causing less interruption to your daily activities. Call 888.887.8376 to schedule a free mold inspection.

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