Tag Archives: The Law on Mold

Know the Law Before You Get Mold Treatment

mp9004003931New York State has a new mold and fungus law that went into effect on January 1, 2016. The law identifies mold as a fungi growth that can produce toxins capable of causing pulmonary, respiratory, neurological or other illnesses after minimal exposure. The Mold Program and regulations come under the New York State Department of Labor and are part of Article 32 of the New York State Labor Law.

Key facts about the law that property owners should know

The primary purpose of the new law is to protect the public through improved licensing and by outlining basic work standards for contractors doing mold assessment and remediation. The law has three main components:

Training: Prior to obtaining a license for mold assessment or remediation, contractors must successfully complete required training.

Licensing: Contractors are not allowed to advertise or perform mold assessment or remediation services without the mandatory license. People with a New York license for mold assessment, remediation and abatement cannot remediate the underlying source of moisture. For that, you need a home improvement contractor. You can verify a contractor’s license on the Department of Labor’s website.

Work standards: The same contractor cannot perform both the assessment and remediation on the same property. The new law also requires that the identification of disinfectant products is consistent with EPA standards. There are now provisions for personal protection equipment that must be worn by employees working with mold and fungus.

If you have a mold problem in your home or business, contact Stern Mold for a free consultation. We use the latest detection technology and have been serving Northern NJ and NYC since 1995.