Untreated Workplace Mold? What to Know to Prevent a Lawsuit!

Mold in the Workplace Can Affect Workers’ Health
As an employer or landlord, you have a responsibility to maintain safe conditions for employees and tenants. Mold and mold-related illnesses have become the focus of an increasing number of lawsuits, making Manhattan mold removal imperative. What can you do to protect employees and tenants while reducing liability?
Preventing Mold in Commercial Buildings
Mold spores surround us constantly, both indoors and out. Problems arise with extended exposure to large concentrations of indoor mold growth.
• Stay vigilant for signs of mold. Infestations may not always be visible, so your first clue may be a persistent musty smell. You should also investigate if people begin complaining about chronic symptoms such as sneezing, coughing and fatigue.
• Removing visible mold isn’t enough. Identify and resolve the cause, whether it’s leaky pipes, poor construction or excess humidity.
• Keep employees or tenants informed about steps you’re taking to remediate mold. Failure to disclose can cause reduction in morale and productivity while reflecting negatively on you in any possible legal action.
• Mold isn’t always covered by insurance. Check your policy, and if mold isn’t included, ask about purchasing additional coverage.
• If you’re doing any construction or renovations, review contracts to ensure contractors and subcontractors are liable for any defects that may cause mold.
Safe and Effective Manhattan Mold Removal
Stern Mold provides eco-friendly, non-intrusive removal of infestations while treating the conditions that cause mold growth. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection by our professional Manhattan mold removal team.