This is what NJ Real Estate Agents Need to Know About Mold Problems

Make Sure You Are Up-to-Speed on Mold in Real Estate Sales
Mold is a legitimate concern for anyone buying or selling a home. New Jersey real estate agents can empower their clients by educating them on the facts about mold and their best options for NJ mold removal.
Mold only grows where it has moisture, a food source, and the ideal temperature. Unfortunately, all three of these can be found in many homes across the United States. The presence of mold does not mean the house needs to be destroyed. The following are some facts real estate agents should know about mold.
No regulatory standards for mold
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), exposure to mold spores affects individuals differently. Indoor mold exposure is linked to respiratory illness in otherwise healthy people. The elderly, children, and people with a compromised immune system are most at risk.
New Jersey and other states do not currently have established standards for acceptable levels of mold inside a home. Most NJ mold removal companies recommend treatment if the level of spores inside is higher than those found outside.
Mold issues can be quickly remedied
The labor-intensive and costly old methods of ripping out all walls and materials affected by mold are no longer necessary. The MoldExterm treatment method is more effective, faster, less costly, and does not make a mess.
Not all mold remediation companies are equal
Be sure you and your clients use a company certified by the National Association of Mold Remediators and Mold Inspectors. Contact Stern Mold for a free inspection and we will beat your current written mold remediation quote/bid from an experienced and qualified mold remediation service firm by 20 percent.