Class Action Lawsuite Heats Up for NYC on Mold Remediation Woes

Mold Issues
Mold-related illnesses can have a seriously damaging effect on a person’s health and encompass a variety of physical ailments, including upper respiratory issues, digestion, muscle pain, brain fog and are a possible influence in a depression diagnosis.
NYC mold treatment companies are watching for news on a potential class action mold remediation lawsuit against the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) by the U.S.Attorney’s Office but so far, the Office hasn’t publicized any intention of bringing forth a lawsuit.
Mold Legal Issues
Currently, a report controversy exists regarding the reporting of a higher incidence of mildew reports and less of mold incidents by the NYCHA. Mildew does not cause the same amount of public concern as mold does, though it is still a fungi that can affect health if left untreated. Mold reports dropped dramatically in 2012 and have since stayed low, while mildew numbers that almost doubled in 2012 and tripled in 2013 have since continually climbed higher.
Another potential issue causing concern is the NYCHA’s involvement in a court-ordered settlement where a timetable set out for mold remediation and elimination may not be in compliance.
Progress Queens also has reported that Hurricane Sandy clean-up in housing developments has not been aggressively attacked by the NYCHA.
Mold and the Law
A Federal class action lawsuit was filed on behalf of the NYCHA tenants at the end of former Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s term to make the NYCHA address the widely encompassing mold abatement that needed to take place.
Are you looking for NYC mold treatment information? For a free consultation and price quote on our bio remedial mold treatment, contact Stern Mold today.