Tips on Preparing for Your NYC Mold Inspection

Tips on Preparing for Your NYC Mold Inspection
If you suspect mold, there’s no harm in requesting a free NYC mold inspection to be certain. In the meantime, protect yourself by staying away from the mold and closing off those rooms, if possible.
Can I Clean Before My NYC Mold Inspection?
We can find mold even after you have wiped up the most visible spots. However, you should stop cleaning and wait for the professionals to arrive.
We ask that you stop cleaning for several reasons:
• DIY cleaning can actually kick up mold spores into the air, spreading the problem.
• It may not be safe for your respiratory health to clean mold yourself.
• Our mold inspector can find hidden mold, but it’s helpful for us to see the full state of the problem when we arrive.
What to Do with the Mold Problem Area
The best way to prepare a site for mold inspection? Leave it alone and seal it off. Mold thrives and spreads when it has moisture and airflow. Close air vents and seal doors and windows with plastic wrap to prevent further mold growth.
Also, try not to remove items from the infected areas. Objects likely have mold spores on them, so you don’t want to transfer them elsewhere in the building.
A Free NYC Mold Inspection—With Faster, Better Mold Treatment!
Stern Mold uses a more efficient method than traditional mold remediation. We don’t tear out walls, so you can avoid remodeling. We use a powerful polymer that contains silver, a natural antimicrobial. Then we seal surfaces with a barrier that prevents mold from growing back.
Get started now by requesting a free NYC mold inspection today!