What Are the Health Impacts of Exposure to Mold and Mold Spores?

Documented Health Problems from Mold Exposure
After discovering mold inside a home or building, the occupants are left to wonder: has mold been causing my persistent cough? Are my children feeling fatigued and sniffly because of mold spores in the air? The bottom line is that mold should be dealt with immediately by your local Manhattan mold removal specialists to put an end to these worries.
Scientists are working hard to determine whether various diseases are in fact caused by mold. However, science has already spoken: the health effects of mold include infections, asthma, allergy problems, and more.
Health Problems Caused by Mold
Breathing in mold spores has long been linked to respiratory problems. Modern medicine has proven a direct cause between mold and:
– Allergy attacks
– Asthma attacks
– Development of asthma
– Persistent cough
– Skin irritation
– Sore throat
– Immune system problems
– Upper respiratory infections
Illnesses Caused by Mold and Dampness
In some cases, it’s impossible to tell whether mold or something else has caused an illness. That’s because the damp, dank environments where mold grows can also be home to harmful bacteria, dust mites, and other air quality problems.
The solution is to get Manhattan mold removal services for proper clean-up. Then add dehumidifiers, seal up ductwork, vent kitchen equipment to the outdoors, and keep bathrooms and basements as dry as possible.
Mold Cleaning Service in Manhattan
Stern Mold makes the process easier because our two-step Manhattan mold removal system kills the mold and also adds a polymer sealant that prevents mold spores from growing back or releasing into the air.
Lengthy hospital stays and expensive lawsuits have been caused by mold health problems. Fortunately, we can help.
Get a free inspection and estimate for Manhattan mold removal. Our MoldExterm system costs less and is less intrusive than older methods!