Sensitive to Mold? Tips for Traveling Mold-Free

Travel Tips for Traveling Mold-Free
Whether traveling for business or pleasure, don’t let headaches, sneezing and coughing or other symptoms of mold exposure interfere with your plans. Our NYC mold removal experts offer helpful tips for traveling mold-free while away from home.
Tips for Avoiding Mold Exposure While Traveling
• Start inspecting the hotel as soon as you step into the lobby. Check the ceilings, walls and vents for water stains or signs of mold.
• Look for condensation on your room’s windows, which indicates moisture is at a high level.
• Use electrostatic dust cloths to wipe down vents. Dust traps mold and aggravates upper respiratory allergic symptoms.
• EC3 mold spray is an all-natural product that removes mold spores and mycotoxins. Mist the entire room with EC3 mold spray, taking care to include drapes, carpeting, furniture, bedding and hard surfaces such as desk tops.
• Supplement the spray by burning portable EC3 candles that remove microscopic mold spores circulating in the air.
• Carry a squirt dispenser of anti-bacterial and anti-fungal nasal spray and apply at least twice daily.
• Mold growth isn’t always visible. Be alert to the distinctive musty smell that indicates the presence of mold.
• Don’t be afraid to speak up. As a paying guest, you have the right to stay in a room that doesn’t present a health risk. Take pictures in case you need evidence for the future.
Quality NYC Mold Removal by Stern Mold
Our technicians have experience treating mold issues in all types of buildings. Contact us for more information.