What to Do If You Alert Your Landlord To Mold, and They Do Nothing

Mold Litigation in 2020 – Is Suing Worth the Trouble?
Your apartment needs Manhattan mold removal. After numerous reports to management, no action is taken. Are you forced to suffer in silence? As a paying tenant, you have available options.
Why Is Manhattan Mold Removal Necessary?
Indoor mold and mold spores can cause a number of upper respiratory symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes and wheezing. Even people with no previous history of allergies can experience these symptoms after prolonged exposure. Anyone with an underlying respiratory ailment or weakened immune system is particularly vulnerable.
Whether or not you’re presenting with symptoms, mold is a documented health risk. Pulmonologist Sonali Bose, assistant professor at Mount Sinai’s Icahn School of Medicine, ranks mold as a hygenic problem on a par with a cockroach infestation.
When Landlords Fail to Act
Mold is not always visible, causing many landlords to dismiss complaints. But property owners are bound by legal requirements to maintain apartments free of health and safety risks.
Your first course of action should be to write a letter or email to management detailing the problem, including leaky pipes or any conditions that may have caused the mold. Insist on Manhattan mold removal, not a simple paint-over.
If the landlord still doesn’t respond, you could withhold rent, but that strategy carries risks that could impact your ability to rent in the future. Save this as an absolute last resort.
Turn to Stern Mold for Effective Removal and Prevention
Our proprietary MoldExterm program is non-intrusive, cost-effective and eco-friendly. Contact us for more information.