Learn the Top Symptoms Associated with Mold Exposure

Medical Review of Mold Health Problems
Are you experiencing symptoms that can potentially change your future? If you’re experiencing the troubling signs that your health is affecting your quality of living, mold may be the trigger. Our Manhattan mold removal team at Stern Mold knows that maintaining good health is vital for your welfare. We are here to help you if mold spores are affecting your health!
Top Symptom Checklist
What’s bugging you? If you’re constantly experiencing symptoms that negatively affect your day-to-day activities, you could be suffering from toxic mold exposure. Health experts and mold experts who’ve dealt with mold can give you the answers you seek to help alleviate your symptoms. Have you recently experienced any of the mold exposure symptoms mentioned here?
• Light-headedness
• Abdominal pain and bloating
• Skin reactions like numbness, tingling or rash
• Brain fog and/or memory loss
• The feeling of weakness or tiredness
• Sinus congestion and other upper respiratory conditions
• Frequent headaches
If you think you’re going crazy, with random symptoms plaguing you at every turn, it may be that mold spores have found their way into your home or business. Your local Manhattan mold removal experts know that high humidity, unaddressed leaks, and moisture in your home are breeding grounds for hungry mold spores. You’re not alone anymore. You can get relief from the health symptoms that harm your peace of mind.
Try Stern Mold’s Manhattan Mold Removal
The smell of musty odors indoors, recurring coughs and an increase in symptoms on rainy days signal that mold spores have invaded your area. Maintain your good health by contacting Stern Mold for a mold inspection today!