What to Know About Mold Spores to Protect Your Health

You Can Effectively Control Mold and Their Spores
Mold inside homes and buildings has been recognized as a potential health risk, but mold itself is not the problem. The danger arises from microscopic mold spores entering your respiratory system. Here’s some important information from our Manhattan mold removal team about mold spores and their effect on your health.
What Are Mold Spores?
Spores are reproductive units of mold and other fungi as well as many species of plants such as ferns and algae. Mold spreads when spores circulate through the air and come to rest on a surface that provides the right elements for growth, moisture in particular.
Mold Spores and Your Health
Since mold spores are invisible to the naked eye, the simple act of breathing draws them into your respiratory system. Their minute size makes it possible for mold spores to easily evade the body’s filtering mechanisms that normally catch foreign substances.
In an effort to expel the irritating mold spores, your respiratory system produces common allergic reactions which may include sneezing, coughing and watery eyes. These symptoms can become more severe in people who already suffer from allergies or have a chronic respiratory illness such as asthma.
Fighting the Effects of Mold Spores
We are constantly surrounded by mold spores, indoors and outdoors, so they’re impossible to avoid. The best defense is minimizing dampness in your home or business to eliminate opportunities for mold to colonize.
Stern Mold: Your Top Choice for Effective Manhattan Mold Removal
Traditional mold remediation is invasive, time-consuming and costly. Our proprietary MoldExterm program requires no removal of materials and can usually be completed in one day. Contact us for all your Manhattan mold removal needs.