Monthly Archives: October 2017

Could Fibromyalgia be Linked to Mold Exposure?

Could Mold Cause Fibromyalgia or Similar Symptoms??

Could Mold Cause Fibromyalgia or Similar Symptoms??

The question, “could fibromyalgia be linked to mold exposure” is one frequently asked because the symptoms of fibromyalgia and illnesses that are mold-related are similar. The answer to the question is that experts cannot be certain, at this time, if mold is linked to fibromyalgia.

Similar Symptoms Between Fibromyalgia and Mold-Related Illness

Several of the symptoms that are similar to mold-related illnesses and fibromyalgia include:

*An overall feeling of tiredness


*On-going fatigue

*Joints and muscles that ache

*Migraines or headaches

Mold-Related Symptoms

Those suffering from a mold-related illness will also experience additional symptoms, along with the ones listed above, such as shortness of breath, wheezing, coughing, sneezing, and difficulty breathing. Patients may also be susceptible to bronchitis, sinus infections, or pneumonia, which are not symptoms of fibromyalgia.

Causes of Fibromyalgia

The cause of fibromyalgia is known but there is no cure. It is felt by experts at the Maryland Medical Center that environmental issues, such as mold and fungus, could be a factor in causing fibromyalgia, but that has not been determined, yet, one way or the other. Some of the factors that contribute to the disease include:


*Hormonal and muscle abnormalities

*An imbalance in the chemicals in the brain


*Disorders of the immune system

*Emotional or physical trauma

If your home is affected by mold or fungus, it’s best to retain the services of professionals in the field of mold removal. At Stern Mold, this is what we do using our MoldExterm System. Our process is fast, requires minimal downtime, there’s no wall removal or drywall repair, and it’s affordable.

If you suspect mold problems, contact us at Stern Mold today.