The Dilemma of Mold in Public Housing in NYC

Mold In Public Housing

Mold In Public Housing

Mold can cause mild to severe health issues, especially for children and adults with asthma or other respiratory conditions. Prompt removal is important, but it doesn’t always happen. In some cases, tenants have had to turn to the law for help.

Tenants in Manhattan have been waiting to have black mold in public housing removed for more than a year. This mold problem has caused ongoing health issues for some of the tenants, including several children.

Recently, these tenants have asked for help from a judge, claiming that New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) is in violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act. In Dec. 2013, NYCHA vowed to get rid of the mold in these buildings, but the organization has not taken any steps toward that.

Tenants who have had to continue dealing with health problems due to mold are hoping that the judge will be able to force NYCHA to comply. They’re also asking to have someone officially oversee NYCHA’s day-to-day progress on having the mold removed.

This case is an important reminder of how important it is to have mold treatment done sooner rather than later. The mold in these Manhattan buildings has been able to spread and cause ongoing health problems because it wasn’t dealt with early enough. Whether you’re concerned about mold in public housing, a commercial building or a residential property, finding a dependable mold treatment company to get rid of it as soon as possible is crucial to avoid putting tenants or occupants at risk.

If you have a mold problem in your building, contact Stern Mold for safe, reliable treatment.