Tag Archives: DIY Mold Remedy

Should You Attempt to Remove Mold in Your Home?

The answer requires an understanding of which type of mold you have. To reduce health risk and be certain, this is a question for your mold treatment professional. But there are a couple of things to look for that will help you make a decision.

Topical Mold

Topical mold is generally found in damp places that are not organic. Things like bathroom tiles, tub surrounds, plastic door and window thresholds, even mold on the surface of paint are all topical types of mold.

In most cases, a dedicated mold eating enzyme or a bleach solution of 1 part bleach to 9 parts water, should do the trick. You may have to scrub a bit, and always wear a face mask if you attempt this. In most cases, you’ll be able to successfully remove the mold.

Deep Seated Mold

Deep seated mold is generally found on organic substances. Drywall, wooden flooring, wall studs, plywood and the like, are considered organic substances.

What this means is that mold can actually penetrate these materials, which means that just wiping them away is not going to get rid of it. The mold will literally be growing beneath the surface, and in this instance, the only effective way to rid yourself of this type of mold problem is to call in a professional.

If you have any questions about topical or deep seated mold treatment issues in your residence, you can rely on the professionals at Stern Mold. We are part of the Stern Environmental Group, and we will answer all of your questions or do a free mold inspection. We have been serving the New Jersey, New York City, and Long Island area since 1995.