Tag Archives: Mold and Health Concerns

How Can You Decrease Your Exposure to Mold?

Don't Let Your Mold Problems Grow.

Don’t Let Your Mold Problems Grow.

People are exposed to mold every day and quite often they don’t even realize it until it’s too late, and so it makes them sick. Fortunately, there are ways that they can decrease their exposure to it, keeping them and their family much safer and healthier.

As your Manhattan mold removal specialists, we want to share this information with you so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones as well.

Decreasing Your Mold Exposure

With some vigilance and preparation, it can be easy to decrease your exposure to mold. The following tips can help:

– Avoid areas that may have mold, such as compost piles, wooded areas and grass clippings.

– Control the humidity levels inside your home.

– Ventilate shower areas.

– Ventilate cooking areas.

– Prior to painting, add mold inhibitors to paint.

Sometimes mold can become a problem even when you’ve been careful trying to avoid it in your home. When it does, you can call upon Manhattan mold removal, or you can try to remove it yourself in some circumstances.

Removing Mold in Your Home

If you have mold growing on a hard surface in your home, you may be able to remove it with a few products from your local store. You can also use soap and water, or a mixture of one cup of bleach and one gallon of water.

If you decide to use bleach, the CDC gives the following recommendations:

– Always wear protective gear (goggles, rubber gloves and boots) to protect yourself.

– Clean the area first to ensure removal.

– Open windows and doors to ventilate the area.

Manhattan mold removal is no problem for us. Contact us for assistance!

Can Exposure to Mold Cause Hair Loss?

Don't let mold cost your body more than it should.

Don’t let mold cost your body more than it should.

Have you experienced excessive hair loss? Don’t panic – you could have a mold problem! Mold is an invasive issue that causes countless troubling allergic reactions. Hair loss can occur in both adults and children because of mold infestation. Our Manhattan mold removal team strives to help locals lead healthier lives that are free of mold and its many disturbing symptoms. You can stop the hair loss with a little help from the mold experts!

Just Don’t Breathe

It’s extremely difficult to avoid frightening symptoms when the very air you breathe is infected with mold spores. Blood vessels or capillaries that allow life-giving blood to flow to your hair follicles can be inhibited by your body’s production of histamine. Histamine production is triggered by allergic reactions due to inhaling mold spores into the body. Too many mold spores in the air you breathe can eventually lead to baldness.

Stop the Downward Spiral

How can you protect your health and hair from the harmful effects of mold? Hiring our Manhattan mold removal team can get you on the right path to mold freedom. Manhattan locals are used to the high humidity levels in the area and so are mold spores. A thorough mold inspection by Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal experts can stop balding and get your health back on track.

After the mold problem is remediated your dormant hair follicles can reemerge. Your healthcare professional may recommend treatment options to help ensure your hair’s regrowth. There are various anti-fungal prescriptions available to help protect your body from the health-damaging mold infiltrating your peace of mind. Schedule a free inspection. We’ll help you rediscover healthy living again!

What to Know About NYC Mold Removal – Is It Worth the Effort?

Good hygiene routines around the house are essential to fighting off the growth of mold.

Good hygiene routines around the house are essential to fighting off the growth of mold.

What is mold remediation and is it something that’s necessary for every property owner who sees evidence of mold? The answer can be yes and no. Like most everything, there are two sides to every story and mold is no exception.

To Remediate or Not – That is the Question

Any reputable NYC mold removal specialist will tell you that mold is alive and well and has been since the beginning of time, and then tell you what needs to be done to make your property mold-free. On the reverse side, you may run into businesses that try to scare you into believing you need a series of tests and inspections to determine the extent of the moldy encroachment in your basement, attic, or under the sink.

Unfortunately, mold remediation has become big business and not everyone has your best interests at heart. If you’re considering hiring a mold remediation service, just be aware that you may not need all the bells and whistles they’re selling in order to de-mold your home or business.

There are certain steps to be taken to remove mold safely. You don’t want to dislodge mold spores to infiltrate unaffected areas. While most mold isn’t toxic, it can be problematic for some, which makes safety a primary focus.

For this reason, hiring a licensed NYC mold removal professional is recommended. With a professional on board, there is no second-guessing or additional steps taken that aren’t necessary.

When mold finds moisture in your home, it’s only natural for it to set up housekeeping. With a call to Stern, we’ll be sure to give it the boot on it’s way out.

National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Weighs in on Mold and Dampness in Buildings

Don't Let Your Workplace Be Toxic!

Don’t Let Your Workplace Be Toxic!

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) warns that people with asthma or hypersensitivity pneumonitis may develop a more serious disease if they are exposed to mold and dampness in a building on an ongoing basis. That and other information about preventing occupational respiratory diseases from exposure to mold is in an alert issued by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH).

Protect the health of your employees

Some business owners might postpone taking corrective action because they think NJ mold removal will cost a lot of money and require their business to shut down for a long time. However, allowing dampness and mold to remain in your building puts the health of your employees at risk.

High indoor humidity, minor roof leaks, or window leaks can lead to mold, fungi, and bacteria. According to NIOSH, mold can adapt to different moisture conditions. The report goes on to say that studies have found when otherwise healthy people are continuously exposed to dampness and mold in buildings they can develop asthma, hypersensitivity pneumonitis, bronchitis, and respiratory infections.

Legal requirements for employers

A survey of office workers in Britain found that 70 percent of them believe their workplace has indoor air pollution. American companies are required by the General Duty Clause of the OSH Act to maintain a safe workplace for employees and correct any known issues that could lead to serious illness, injury, or death.

Contact the mold experts at Stern Mold to put your mind at ease and prevent illnesses from mold and dampness inside your building. The MoldExterm method is quicker, cleaner, and less costly than traditional NJ mold removal methods.

A Developing Awareness of Mold’s Impact on Your Health

It's Time to Get Stern with Your Mold!

It’s Time to Get Stern with Your Mold!

Mold and fungus in a home should be taken seriously. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ongoing exposure to mold spores can lead to asthma in otherwise healthy children. Mold spores can also trigger asthma attacks and allergic reactions in some people.

People with compromised immune systems are at greatest risk of developing chronic health problems as a result of mold. But you should not live in fear or panic if it is in your home. Be knowledgeable about mold and be aware.

Mold is common in many U.S. buildings

While many people think mold is most likely to exist in the dark basements or crawl spaces of older homes, the tight construction of new energy-efficient homes is also ideal for mold growth. Mold just needs moisture, organic material (wood, drywall paper, or even dust), and the right temperature to live and spread. Even without leaky plumbing or a water intrusion issue, a tightly-constructed home with relative humidity higher than 60 percent can grow mold.

Symptoms of mold sickness

Mold and fungus come in many different types and colors. Different types of mold can cause different health issues. Some people are highly sensitive and will begin having an allergic reaction almost immediately when they’re exposed to mold spores.

Mold exposure affects people differently and at different rates. Mold sickness may manifest itself with physical symptoms like sneezing, runny nose, irritated eyes, or a rash. However, some people may experience fatigue, depression, or malaise due to mold exposure.

Contact us today for a free inspection and estimate for any needed treatment. Our proprietary MoldExterm process comes with a comprehensive mold-free warranty.