Tag Archives: Mold Information

Still Living In The Shadow of Hurricane Sandy? Mold Remains a Huge Problem in New York City

Is Dampness and Mold A Reoccurring Problem for You?

Is Dampness and Mold A Reoccurring Problem for You?

Mold spores are always around, but they’re largely harmless until indoor conditions become excessively damp. Years after Hurricane Sandy, how are NYC public housing residents faring with Manhattan mold removal?

In the Wake of Hurricane Sandy

In 2012, Red Hook Housing in Brooklyn was one of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) developments hit hardest by Hurricane Sandy. Four years post-storm, a survey of residents in 280 units found that 94 percent had experienced problems with mold, while 40 percent were still struggling with mold.

Unfortunately, mold has been a chronic problem in NYCHA properties. Prior to Hurricane Sandy, roughly 34 percent of Red Hook residents had complaints about mold. This situation is made even more urgent by the fact that nearly one-quarter of Red Hook public housing residents are asthmatic, a rate three times greater than the rest of the zip code.

Tenants Demand Action

Frustrated by lack of response from NYCHA, a tenant’s advocacy group filed a class action lawsuit against the organization in 2013. Terms of the settlement included timelines for addressing and completing repairs along with a 60-day window to follow up on results.

Both parties were back in court two years later over noncompliance with terms of the original suit. The court appointed an official overseer, but organizers for the tenant’s group are seeking a more proactive approach.

Manhattan Mold Removal for All Situations, Big or Small

Contact Stern Mold to schedule a free mold inspection by our friendly and experienced technicians.

Everything You (Didn’t) Want To Know About Mold Remediation

Becoming More Aware of the Mechanics Behind Mold Remediation

Becoming More Aware of the Mechanics Behind Mold Remediation

So you suspect a mold infestation in your home or building. What’s the next step? Our NYC mold removal experts fill you in on state requirements for effective mold remediation.

1. Mold Licenses Are Not One-Size-Fits-All

Mold remediation involves three separate jobs, each of which requires a specific license. A mold assessment contractor will inspect and evaluate your property to determine the presence of mold. If there is an infestation, a mold remediation contractor will head up the project using mold abatement workers in his employ.

Since mold generally develops due to excess moisture, you’ll need to find and address that situation. Assessment, remediation and abatement licensees are forbidden by law to complete that job, which must be done by a county-licensed home improvement contractor.

2. Mold Remediation Is a Two-Company Job

Under mold licensing laws, the same person or company can’t perform both assessment and remediation on a single job. This also holds true when an individual owns an interest in two separate companies. A searchable database listing licensed mold contractors is available on New York State’s Department of Labor website.

3. All Plans and Reports Must Be Submitted in Writing

Necessary documentation includes:

* Itemized mold remediation plan, post-remediation assessment and clearance report from the assessment contractor

* Work plan from the remediation contractor

Stern Environmental: Your First Choice for NYC Mold Removal

Whatever your mold remediation needs are, we have licensed and experienced team members to handle them. Contact us today to schedule a free mold inspection.

Take Moldy Smells Seriously – It’s Your First Sign Something Is Wrong

Are Mold Spores in the Air of Your Home?

Are Mold Spores in the Air of Your Home?

Don’t assume that dank, musty odor is from damp towels. Even if there are no visible signs, moldy smells can send an alarm that your home is in need of NYC mold removal.

Why Mold Smells Funny

Mold emits mVOCs, or microbial volatile organic compounds, that produce a distinctly unpleasant odor. Think of a locker room or a waterfront cottage that’s been closed up for a lengthy period. Airborne spores may also cause mild irritation in your nostrils.

Those mVOCs causing that rank smell can also trigger upper-respiratory symptoms including sneezing, itchy eyes and coughing. People with pre-existing lung conditions or weakened immune systems are particularly vulnerable.

Tracking Down Moldy Odors

Once you identify the room where the moldy smell is strongest, the next step is to zero in on the specific culprit. Areas with excess moisture, such as leaky pipes, are likely candidates. Other possible sources include:

• Clothes washers and dishwashers

• Towels, shower curtains and bathmats

• Secondhand purchases, such as furniture or clothing

• Soil in potted plants

• Garbage cans and wastebaskets

• Pet bedding

Professional NYC mold removal will eliminate the infestation, but you can take steps to get rid of the smell:

• Open windows and turn on a fan.

• Put out open containers of white vinegar or baking soda.

• Wash fabrics in hot water.

Stern Mold: Experienced and Professional NYC Mold Removal

Don’t struggle with mold removal on your own. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection by our cheerful and knowledgeable technicians.

The Laws That Renters and Landlords Should Know About Mold In New Jersey

New Laws Have Been Put in Place Concerning Mold

New Laws Have Been Put in Place Concerning Mold

The news is full of stories about homeowners battling mold, but what about renters? One couple’s story illustrates the difficult road for renters seeking Manhattan mold removal.

Mold in Apartments: Who’s Responsible?

Anthony Paredes, his girlfriend and their 17-month-old child moved into a New Jersey apartment in November 2019. Other than a powerful smell of fresh paint, they found nothing amiss.

As time went on, the couple noticed extreme dampness around the apartment. Green mold soon developed on the windows, then Paredes discovered a large mold spot on the wall behind his daughter’s bed.

The next couple of months were a nightmare as Paredes tried to get management to remove the mold, only to be told he and his family were at fault. The family eventually paid out-of-pocket for an independent mold inspector. He confirmed the presence of mold and pointed out structural damage that was the likely cause.

What Can Renters Do?

While building health risks such as asbestos and lead paint are covered by laws, no such protection exists yet for mold. Renters have the options of withholding rent or doing Manhattan mold removal themselves and deducting the costs. Unfortunately, either strategy could ultimately lead to eviction proceedings.

Manhattan Mold Removal for Any Situation

Whether you’re a homeowner, landlord or business owner, we can handle your mold problem safely and effectively. Our proprietary MoldExterm program removes mold and keeps it from returning. Contact Stern Mold for a free mold inspection.

Two Years and $3.6 Million Later, Ice Rink Is Finally Free of Mold

Here are the Tell-Tale Symptoms of Chronic Mold Exposure, be on the Lookout!

Be on the Lookout for Chronic Mold Exposure!

An ice rink may not seem like an obvious place for Manhattan mold removal, but no buildings are immune from infestations. A major university recently learned the hard way how indoor mold can have an extensive and costly ripple effect.

When Mold “Breaks” Ice

The University of Minnesota Duluth (UMD) has an Olympic-sized ice rink on campus that opened in 1988. According to Mick McComber, director of UMD’s recreational sports program, approximately 90 percent of all students participate in recreational and outdoor activities. The rink received extensive usage for club hockey, figure skating and open skating sessions.

In February 2018, the rink was closed after an annual inspection detected the presence of mold along the roof trusses. UMD senior project manager John Kessler explained that remediation efforts traced the cause of the mold to the HVAC system, which then had to be replaced.

Finally Mold-Free

At the time, UMD was also in the process of moving to an ammonia-based ice plant so they could discontinue use of a previous refrigerant that is now banned. Total bill for the entire project was $3.6 million, which came from a combination of student fees, state money and a loan from the university system. The rink has now been reopened to students, a full two years after the original closure.

Need Manhattan Mold Removal? Call Stern Mold

Avoid lengthy and inconvenient disruptions with our two-step MoldExterm treatment, which is usually completed in one day with no messy, invasive procedures. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection.

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