Tag Archives: mold prevention

Winter Mold Prevention Tips

Are Mold Allergies More Prevalent in the Winter?

Are Mold Allergies More Prevalent in the Winter?

When it comes to NYC mold removal, there’s no off-season. Winter dampness plus less ventilation equals prime conditions for mold spores to grow and multiply. Use these helpful tips to keep indoor mold infestations at bay during the winter months.

Tips to Prevent Winter Mold Growth

• Keep air circulating, especially in kitchens and bathrooms where mold growth is common. Install and use ventilation fans and open a window briefly as needed.

• Inspect the basement for cracked or damaged mortar that can allow water to seep in.

• If your home has a crawlspace, spread heavy roofing paper or polyethylene plastic film over the soil to create a moisture barrier.

• Add insulation to pipes to prevent cracking or bursting. If a pipe does break, turn off the water flow and have it repaired immediately.

• Double-check door and window seals to make sure they’re in good condition.

• Condensation on doors, windows and walls is a red flag indicating excess moisture. Dry the area thoroughly and address the source of the dampness, whether it’s broken pipes or high humidity levels.

• If your home experiences flooding, disconnect all electronic equipment and remove as much standing water as possible.

• Dispose of moldy items in a sealed bag to prevent mold spores from dispersing.

Effective NYC Mold Removal for All Seasons

Cleaning mold is only part of the solution. Stern Mold uses MoldExterm, a unique two-step program that removes mold and prevents it from returning. Contact us to schedule a free mold inspection and learn more about MoldExterm.

What to Know About Mold Bio-aerosols?

Just like airborne viruses, pet dander, and poisons used in bioterrorism attacks, mold is considered a bio-aerosol. Tiny living particles found in indoor air have the potential to cause illness.

Be Informed About Mold Bio-Aerosols

Be Informed About Mold Bio-Aerosols

contain mycotoxins that enter our breathing passages where they cause respiratory disease, inflammation, or worse.

If you live or work in a building with mold, take steps to reduce the humidity levels and get an NYC mold removal team to disinfect and block mold growth.

Bio-Aerosols Make Mold Dangerous

Whether mold causes disease or illness depends on a variety of factors. Infants and people with weak immune systems are at high risk, but anyone is susceptible. The right combination of bio-aerosol toxins, poor ventilation, and humidity can send particles of mold, bacteria, and viruses into the air.

Researchers have found that water leaks and high humidity are the primary causes of indoor mold. Dormant mold spores can sit below surfaces without necessarily causing illness. Moisture causes the spores to proliferate and enter the air—making their mycotoxins a dangerous bio-aerosol.

Reducing and Preventing Bio-Aerosols Indoors

Micro-organisms such as mold will always exist around us. The goal should be to remedy an infestation and control humidity to avoid prolonged or acute exposures to mold bio-aerosols.

The MoldExterm system for NYC mold removal takes a three-pronged approach:

• Kill mold spores and clean surfaces with an EPA-registered anti-microbial.

• Seal surfaces to prevent bio-aerosols and repel mold from taking hold again.

• Inform building tenants of ways to reduce humidity and install dehumidifiers if needed.

Are people in your building suffering from asthma, dizziness, stomach pain, rashes, or other symptoms of mold exposure? If so, call 888-887-8376 to get a free inspection and quote for our affordable, guaranteed NYC mold removal.

How Can You Prevent Mold Growing Moisture in Your Indoor Environment?

Keep Your Indoor Environment Safe and Mold-Free

Keep Your Indoor Environment Safe

Mold needs several things to survive, but there’s only one that you can feasibly get rid of: moisture. After conducting Manhattan mold removal, we recommend taking ongoing action to prevent indoor moisture.

You don’t need a plumbing leak or standing water in the basement for a mold problem to grow. Excess humidity and condensation can also feed the mold spores.

EPA Recommends Moisture Prevention for Mold

According to the EPA, you can avoid mold growth by keeping relative humidity below 50% and ensuring proper ventilation and drainage.

Look out for any source of moisture that could be contributing to mold, such as:

• HVAC drainage: Check the condensate drain lines. Remove any blockage and ensure the line can drain properly.

• Bathroom ventilation: Use exhaust fans that vent outdoors or open windows when showering.

• Water around pipes: Repair plumbing leaks and insulate cold water lines to stop condensation from dripping.

• Windows and gutters: Keep window sills dry and open windows when weather permits. Inspect and clean rain gutters and drainage systems regularly.

Will a Dehumidifier Help with Mold?

Yes, a dehumidifier can keep humidity levels below the typical threshold for mold growth. Our Manhattan mold removal team can install a dehumidifier for an ongoing solution.

Even with a dehumidifier, leaks and other significant moisture sources still need to be addressed. And the dehumidifier will not kill mold spores already present. An indoor mold assessment can help identify all problem areas.

If you’re tackling a mold problem at an NYC building or want to keep mold from coming back, talk to Stern Mold about our non-invasive and highly affordable Manhattan mold removal service.

What to Know About New Jersey Winter Mold Problems

What to Know About New Jersey Winter Mold Problems

What to Know About New Jersey Winter Mold Problems

The chilly New Jersey winter season is here. While temperatures are freezing, you could be tucked away snug in your home content to ride out the weather. Everything may seem right in your world, but unknowingly you may be in the company of some unwanted guests!

Mold spores love moisture and warm air. Cold temperatures, moisture-laden air, and heat breed mold, so mold spores could be growing in your home right now. The cozy, tranquil interior of your home could be filled with the discordant cacophony of continuous coughing because mold only lays dormant until moisture comes around.

Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal team won’t rest until your life-disrupting mold is gone!

Manhattan Mold Removal Team’s Go-To Tips

Mold spores don’t take a winter vacation. Mold can be troublesome in winter because mold irritants trigger symptoms similar to cold or flu viruses. How do you know if you are experiencing a virus or the effects of mold? Prolonged symptoms of throat irritation, sinus issues, rashes or other debilitating health concerns may hint at mold spores existing in your home. Here are a few tips to help keep your home mold-free:

– Monitor the humidity level in your home. High humidity is a mold haven.

– Regularly vacuum and clean your home.

– Cover crawl spaces with polyethylene plastic.

– Make sure gutters and downspouts keep water flowing away from your foundation.

– Keep materials that mold spores feed on, such as books or clothing, away from walls and out of areas that have high humidity.

The Manhattan mold removal team at Stern Mold will help your home stay mold-free! Click here to set up a mold inspection appointment today!

Using Fans Proactively to Prevent the Growth of Mold in Cold Weather

Using Fans Proactively to Prevent the Growth of Mold in Cold Weather

Using Fans Proactively to Prevent the Growth of Mold in Cold Weather

Stagnant areas of air can quickly become a mold paradise. Rooms that have good airflow may prevent spores from claiming your property as their permanent residence. How can you keep toxic mold from running roughshod over your carefully laid plans? If you employ the right methods and utilize trusted Manhattan mold removal professionals, you’ll be able to proactively put your mold worries to rest.

If You’re Not a Fan of Mold

What do you do when humidity and air flow work to promote mold? When mold spores begin to cohabitate with you in your space, it’s time to check the ventilation system. Here are a few ways fans/vents can stop mold from becoming a threat to your health and home:

– Use what you have. Do you have fans in your bathroom or over your stove in the kitchen? If you do then use them. Air circulation keeps invasive mold spores from hanging around.

– What are the ventilation options in your home or business? Do certain rooms feel more cloistering than others? Place ventilation fans in those areas.

– Make sure any fans or vents are regularly cleaned. Proper cleaning ensures the ducts don’t become potential fire hazards or ineffective against mold.

– Are your fans directing moisture or steam into areas without ventilation? Check any ventilation systems that direct air outside of your home to make sure they aren’t causing mold growth in outdoor building eaves.

Your Number One Fan

Our Manhattan Mold Removal team knows the importance of air circulation and mold remediation. We use the best tools to keep mold out. Contact Stern Mold’s Manhattan mold removal experts today and begin to breathe easier!

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